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Sociolinguistics - Licence 3 - 2020-2021

Dylan Glynn

Tuesday 09h00-11h30, via zoom


2eme Session Exam

!! There is no sit down test !!

You must re-submit your final project.

Follow the guidelines below.

Make sure to submit it to the email address dedicated to submitting homework. If you do not, it will not be marked



2020-2021 - Clean Complete Data

Style Sheet or Style Guide to use for all linguistic projects in DEPA

R Commands
Commands for R to run Chi-Square Test


Videos and Explanations

General guide

Creating Subsets of Respondants (in Google Sheets) - video

Creating Subsets of Respondants - explanation

Creating CrossTabluations and percentage-based histograms comparing different groups of respondants (in Google Sheets) - video

Creating CrossTabluations comparing different groups of respondants - explanation

Creating CrossTabluations and percentage-based histograms comparing grammaticality judgements of different utterences (in Google Sheets) - video

Creating CrossTabluations comparing grammaticality judgements of different utterences - explanation

Calcluating significance of results and checking correlation and anti-correlation (in R) - video




Theory Slides

Practical Slides

Final Class Slides



Yule - Language and Culture

Yule - Social Variation

Yule - Regional Variation

Labov - R in New York


Video on Identity
online -
download - here



From 2019-2020

Files Necessary for Project

Data - New Complete Data

R-Commands - needed to do the statistical analysis

Legend for data - so you can make sense of the data

Project Guide - step by step guide to help you with project

Link for Style Sheet


Clips to Help with Project

Help with R

Chi Square test in R

Loading data from two variables and Making cross tabulation in R

Loading data from one variable with cross tabulation made in Excel


Help with Excel

Cleaning data

Making a histogram from cross tabulation

Making Cross Tabulation between social variable and semantic variable (two different variables)

Making Cross Tabulation in Excel for a single semantic variable Part 1

Making Cross Tabulation in Excel for a single semantic variable Part 2


Extra Reading

Edwards - Langugage and Gender

Mayr - Power and Discourse