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Sociolinguistics - Licence 3 - 2022-2023

Société et Langage - Master 1 - 2022-2023

Dylan Glynn

Wednesday 9h30, J004



Session 1 Deadline: 08 Fab 2023

Here are the data, the results of your questionnaire:

Excel Sheet: Results_socioling_2022-2023_CONCAT.xlsx
Google Sheet:


Here are r-commands


Style Sheet or Style Guide to use for all linguistic projects in DEPA


General guide to writing the report


Videos and explanation to help with data in Google sheets and in R
Creating Subsets of Respondants (in Google Sheets) - video

Creating Subsets of Respondants - explanation

Creating CrossTabluations and percentage-based histograms comparing different groups of respondants (in Google Sheets) - video

Creating CrossTabluations comparing different groups of respondants - explanation

Creating CrossTabluations and percentage-based histograms comparing grammaticality judgements of different utterences (in Google Sheets) - video

Creating CrossTabluations comparing grammaticality judgements of different utterences - explanation

Calcluating significance of results and checking correlation and anti-correlation (in R) - video


Midsemester Test

Tests papers from mid semester test

Results of Mid-Semester test

Questionnaire Results - by Friday 06 Jan. midnight - important

MS Excel Tenplate for results of questionnaire (when complete - email to

Google Sheet Template for results of questionnaire

Help video for entering questionnaire results into spreadsheet (for both Excel and Google)


IMPORTANT: If you wish to follow this course, please email me your name, your student number and you email address to this address:

By doing so, you are not enrolling in the course, the IP Web is how you do this. This is for my records and to make sure I can contact you all.



Theory Slides

Practical Slides

Final Class Slides



Yule - Language and Culture

Yule - Social Variation

Yule - Regional Variation

Labov - R in New York


Extra Reading

Edwards - Langugage and Gender

Mayr - Power and Discourse




Data - previous year to leanr with
2020-2021 - Clean Complete Data

Style Sheet or Style Guide to use for all linguistic projects in DEPA

R Commands
Commands for R to run Chi-Square Test


Videos and Explanations

General guide

Creating Subsets of Respondants (in Google Sheets) - video

Creating Subsets of Respondants - explanation

Creating CrossTabluations and percentage-based histograms comparing different groups of respondants (in Google Sheets) - video

Creating CrossTabluations comparing different groups of respondants - explanation

Creating CrossTabluations and percentage-based histograms comparing grammaticality judgements of different utterences (in Google Sheets) - video

Creating CrossTabluations comparing grammaticality judgements of different utterences - explanation

Calcluating significance of results and checking correlation and anti-correlation (in R) - video